Bob's Logistics mod

Adds logistic related things.

2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Should tech prerequisites reflect what the item's are crafted from?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Specifically, is there any particular reason why Alloy Processing 1, which unlocks bronze pipes, doesn't require Advanced Bronze Smelting 1, which gates the Bronze Plates that the pipes are made from?

Edit: damn, i can't change a thread's title after posting it... I initially wrote about the item's ingredients, but changed the phrasing and now there's a grammar error highlighted on the Discussions page... :-s Is there some kind of moderator-level access to fix that?

4 years ago

Advanced Bronze Smelting 1 isn't from my mod... sounds like you're using someone elses mod that does strange things to the tech tree.

in bob's mods, Alloy processing 1 unlocks Bronze plates too.

New response