Bob's Adjustable Inserters

Adds hotkeys and a GUI to adjust inserter pickup and drop locations.

4 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

i Exit the inserter GUI with escape

6 years ago

Could it be done?
I know pressing escape doesn't work, but I still do it without thinking again and again. This is a little bit frustrating.

Thanks a lot for your amazing work btw, you gave factorio an amazing second life for me, I love it.

6 years ago

I came here just to say what you just said. It would also be awesome if it could close pressing E, before then opening the regular 'E - window'. I have managed to quit my map several times from pressing escape and then attempting to leftclick something else, but then instantly quit -.-

6 years ago

Support to be able to do this was only added to the game in 0.16, and I'm fairly sure that I did fix it for this new version of the game back when it first went experimental.

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