
by Kirazy

Provides configuration options to make the Spidertron playable for arachnophobic players. By default, hides the legs of the Spidertron, displaying laser-pointers at the feet. Includes new options to customize the color of the eyes, the number of the eyes and lights, and to change the number of legs, allowing players to remove up to six legs as an alternative to making them invisible.

4 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

i Compatibility with mods

1 year, 11 months ago

Hi, ive recently installed the insectitron mod (which adds different "spider"trons) and was wondering if its possible to make this mod work with mods like this? if not thats also perfectly fine :)

7 months ago

Specifically Bob's Warfare support would be nice:
(Antron, Tankotron, Logitron, Heavy Spidertron)

It seems that Warp Strider from Warptorio 2 is already converted by this.

New response