
by Kenira

Change steam turbine priority to primary (to keep steam engines from running)

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

b Crashes from object/tree destruction

2 years ago

Just a note to the devs, I added this mod with a bunch of others and then started experiencing game crashes, especially when objects besides enemies were getting destroyed on the map. I can't say for certain that this mod is responsible, but after a lot of testing I isolated the issue to this mod (removing it from my active mods stopped the issue, even while keeping all other mods running). I'm not super familiar with the inner workings of factorio, and couldn't find anything in the logs as to the cause of the crash (the game would just freeze permanently), but it could be caused by as little as shooting or crashing into a tree. My way of testing was to throw grenades into dense areas of trees, which would cause an immediate freeze until I deactivated this mod specifically. Interestingly I also haven't notice a change in steam flow as far as my turbines vs steam engines, but maybe that's how I set up the pipes. No shade meant, just hoping this helps the dev(s). It could very well be something to do with the combination of the 50+ mods I was running, but my hardware was definitely able to run everything smoothly without issue otherwise. Just bringing this up incase it's of some use to anyone who might have run into the same issue or the devs incase this mod really is the source of the issue. Im pretty busy but I can supply a mod list or logs to the dev if they like. Thanks anyways for the mod, I agree this really should be vanilla!

2 years ago

That's weird. I don't see how that's possible that this mod causes that issue though; especially connected to trees.
Literally the only thing this mod chances is one property of the steam turbine entity. Nothing about object destruction or anything like that will be related to this in any way.

If you can send me a save file and with reproduceable steps so that the issue appears and by removing just this mod the issue is gone i can still take a look; but even if that's true i don't think there's much i could do because i wouldn't have the faintest idea how this mod could cause that.

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