Surfaces Reloaded deprecated

by Danacus

Reach up to the skies or dig deep below, expand your base vertically... If you're into that kind of thing. Original by Simcra, ported to 0.14-0.16 by Erdbeerbaer. Port to 0.17 started by DeltaNedas and continued by Danacus.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Character disappears

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)
The character disappears, if I change the to an surface the first time.
I can move over the map like in map editor. I can craft, but inventory is empty.
Factorio 1.1.11 Mods: Krastorio2, Space Exploration and some other.

3 years ago

This is a known issue that occurs where the player moves too quickly when going through a shaft. It's because this mod currently fills the surface with entities after map generation (so after the player spawns) instead of using newer built-in map generation features to build walls.

Duplicate of

I can't fix this easily, but the new mods I have been working on won't have this issue.

3 years ago

as quick workoround: why don't you just generate the surface when setting the first ladder? then you have an break bevor the player enters the surface.

3 years ago

That could be a solution, I might try it. It's possible to request the generation of specific chunks of a surface with scripting, so I could just add a call to such function and see if it helps.

3 years ago

Fixed in 1.1.8.

3 years ago

cool, thanks :-)

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