Ore Patch Organizer

Cut/Paste your ores and oil. Move your resources closer to your base, reshape to allow better blueprints, or condense/expand ore patches to allow more/less mining drills.

4 months ago
Environment Mining

b Ore Patches Reset

5 months ago

Every time I either update the mod or switch out my mod list (to play vanilla with friends, for example), and then switch back, all of my patches reset back to their original richness. I'm running the standard Space Exploration mod list, with infinite ores on as well.
I've also noticed that I don't seem to be able to paste ores in asteroid fields still, despite updating.

I've very much enjoyed using the mod so far, and I appreciate your efforts.


5 months ago

I haven't done proper testing with infinite ores.
If they're resetting back to original richness it makes me think that another mod is resetting them to ensure they don't go below the minimum amount.

For the asteroid fields, I've tested from orbit, but not further out.

If you have a save I could do some testing and work out what needs to be changed.

New response