Maintenance Madness

by Arcitos

Adds a complete new game mechanic: Maintenance! Create a sophisticated spare parts logistics and bring your mall to its absolute limits! UPS-friendly and MP-tested - Now with a fancy GUI!

3 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Great Mod!

4 years ago

Thx 4 the mod,all work really really well!great addon to the game!

4 years ago

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that :)

4 years ago

I'm also freaking amazed.
That's exactly what I've dreamed about for YEARS, and not stupid like some other mods that tried into same thing.
I just can not take that unrealistic magical never-wearing machines.
You saved my sanity. Maybe the proper name for the mod would be "Maintenance Sanity" instead? )
I came here to specifically say all that. Thank you very, very much dude!

4 years ago

Thank you very much for your appreciation. :)
I know what you mean: In real life, the engineer doesn't manage the production line. It is the production line that manages the engineer!

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

In Soviet Russia, factory maintains YOU! =)

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