MadClown01's Science

Sick of the same old boring science recipes, want some variety in your games... give this mod a try. Adds several alternative science packs to the base game, Bobs or AB games. Also adds Research Facilities for generation of science packs from fluids & power, a Particle Accelerator for endgame generation from power alone.

5 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b [only working on 0.18 sorry] 0.17 Error loading

4 years ago
Playing on 0.17 since not a lot of the mods i use have updated.

4 years ago

Not that issue again...
Out of curiosity, which mods are not updated yet in your pack? Im actually on a holiday at the moment (hence the slow response), I am tempted to get you on 0.18, but I fear that error may still rear its head.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I have exactly the same problem with 0.17 :(
incompability found:
- "Bio Industries" [>=0.17.49 or >=0.18.17]

3 years ago

I don't have enough free time to update a version 17 issue when im focussed on 0.18 and possible 1.0 updates
Please find out which mods are not on 0.18 yet and push them to update please, 99% of mods i have seen are already updated.

3 years ago

its bio industries 0.19 atm thats causing the same shizzle for me D:

3 years ago

could you please post a report on bio-industries. This is not an issue with the icon handling of this mod, over the last 2 years i have been actively updating libraries to handle the various forms of icon(s), icon_size, localisations, and other crazy things. If sensible icon(s) handling is not a part of bio-industries, i cannot help you.