MadClown01's Science

Sick of the same old boring science recipes, want some variety in your games... give this mod a try. Adds several alternative science packs to the base game, Bobs or AB games. Also adds Research Facilities for generation of science packs from fluids & power, a Particle Accelerator for endgame generation from power alone.

5 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g [Fixed?]Balance?

5 years ago

I haven't even launched a rocket yet in this Sea Block run, but using only bob's raw speed modules and the mk1 accelerators I'm generating around 3.5k of all (sans space) science packs per minute for the measly cost of 5MW of power - ie practically for free, because 5MW is peanuts during mid to late game. With the side effect that I can stop my traditional science pack production, so the power requirements of my remaining base are relatively low since resource requirements are way down.

Somehow it feels a bit too easy. I know we need a lot of science packs at end game due to increasing infinite research costs, but with the particle accelerators affected by beacons the balance feels off. You could argue that raw speed modules themselves are the problem I guess but still.

4 years ago

i have always had an issue with the simplicity of the PA's in this mod, i don't think i will stop them from being beaconed... i may try to work out a reasonable power cost though, possibly increase it to 100MW and 500MW for the higher tier... I will do some planning to work out where a good point would be before i integrate the update.

4 years ago

I have taken another look at this... baseline for each system: 1k SP/sec (full prod, 12 beacon, speed modules)
--Assuming plates, batteries and electronics are brought in for the traditional methods.
Bare minimum mods: 10 TW for the PA(2), vs 150 GW using standard recipes, slightly more for clowns alternatives
Full angels, Full bobs, Full clowns: 125 GW for PA(2), vs 6.4 GW as above...
I don't understand how you could get 3.5k SPM, that should be using at least 2.5GW

4 years ago

out of curiousity... are you using efficiency or green modules? that should cap out at -80% energy requirements, but for that in place of efficiency means more PA's, or in beacons, more beacon power