Auto Trash

Allows saving of different logistic request setups Enable autotrash only in certain logistic networks Load your spidertron with different setups with a single click Load one or more preset after respawning Trash unrequested items

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1
Logistic network

i Add 6th column in Logistics Configuration

6 years ago

Hi Choumiko,

thanks for (another of) your AWSOME MOD(s)!

The "normal" inventory has 6 columns for Logistic Slots, whereas "Autologistics" only has 5. Thus, the configuration is one off per row, which is confusing for me when I compare updates/changes.

So, is it possible for you to also add a sixth column? This, by the way, would also save 4 rows when all logistic-slot research is done.

Thanks for your effort!!

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

You can do this yourself by finding column_count = 15 and change it to 18 in gui.lua but would love to see it changed officially so I don't have to redo it on updates, also would be nice if the logistic request interface could be moved into a scroll pane as it can extend off screen if you have mods adding more logistic slot research.

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