Bullet Tracers

Adds bullet tracers/trails to gun magazines. Works with any weapon that uses gun magazines. This is a different visual effect than the Bullet Trails mod.

10 months ago

g Krastorio 2 compat?

7 months ago

Love this mod, best tracers out there.
However when used with Krastorio 2, due to some changes they do to certain ammos (they add lights and tracers too), you get TWO tracers per bullet if this mod is also enabled (and i like to keep this one at 100%).

Any chance for a compatability patch where this mod doesnt change the same ammo types Krastorio 2 changes?
Or perhaps a mod option to outright disable Krastorio 2's tracers / light, so this mod overrides?

6 months ago

I think it's better if that's handled on the Krastorio side through an option that makes their custom projectiles invisble.

I've had a quick peek at their codebase, but there's a lot of stuff there.

New response