Text Plates

Text shaped metal plates for signs and labels. Letters, numbers and symbols. Iron, copper, large and small variants.

1 year, 6 months ago
0.14 - 1.1

b use on_player_cursor_stack_changed instead of on_tick

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

The event on_tick is fired each tick and can cause performance issue.
the event on_player_cursor_stack_changed exist and can be used, it permit to fire when something is put inside the cursor_stack, when the number of item is modified or the cursor_stack is cleared.

Additionnaly there is one command I use when I want to test what can be triggered by events :

/c script.on_event(defines.events,function(event) if event.name ~= defines.events.on_tick then function name(id) events={} for key,value in pairs(defines.events) do events[value]=key end return events[id] end event.id=event.name event.name=name(event.id) game.print(serpent.dump(event)) end end)

7 years ago

That looks very useful for my Programmable Warfare mod: