Steam Locomotive - Reuploaded

Adds a tender locomotive that requires water and fuel to function. Reuploaded by Traincrisis If you were using the first bugged version, please update to 0.1.0.

4 months ago

g It gives an error when loading.

4 months ago

The following mods could not be loaded: Loading sound " _ steamtrain /sound/idle.ogg" failed with error: Path _ _steamtrain _/sound/idle.ogg does not match any enabled mod.

4 months ago

The following mods could not be loaded: Loading sound " _ steamtrain /sound/idle.ogg" failed with error: Path _ _steamtrain _/sound/idle.ogg does not match any enabled mod.

4 months ago

I am going to fix it soon

3 months ago

I fixed it 15 days ago

New response