Stack Combinator

by modo_lv

An arithmetic combinator that performs stack size multiplication/division/rounding on item signals. Features signal inversion and output display, compatible with Picker Dollies and Nullius.

2 months ago
Circuit network

g [βœ”] Cannot invert fluid signals

11 months ago

Thanks for building this, it is helping me a lot!

Inverting fluid signals does not work due to this line:

Looks like entry.signal.type can have the value "fluid":

Since the stack size of fluids is always 1 maybe this is intentional? Honestly I don't have a usecase for this, and I'm not sure what one would be, but I dug into the issue because I thought I was going crazy when some of my signals weren't being inverted as expected.

3 months ago

There is now (since v1.4.0 ) a map setting that lets you control how StaCos process non-item signals.

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