ModMash Splinter, New Worlds

Mod Mash Splinter for New Worlds, Rid Nauvis of the Queen Hive and explore New Worlds with unique resourses. Increase productivity of smeltable items with Pureonium.

Mod packs
1 year, 5 months ago
This mod 7 From other mods 17
Dependency types:
Default 7 Required 2 Conflict 0 Optional 5 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 42.7K
base >= 1.1.0 -
modmashsplinter >= 1.1.13 12.3K
modmashsplinterresources >= 1.1.12 6.81K
modmashsplintergold >= 1.1.17 5.63K
modmashsplinterrefinement >= 1.1.08 4.92K
modmashsplintersubspacelogistics >= 1.1.02 4.45K
modmashsplinterunderground >= 1.1.07 8.56K
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v1.1.23)