Longhaul Trains

by aron85_

Adds slower accelerating and breaking Trains that in return are able to hit higher top-speeds. This is very useful for trains travelling vast distances.

1 year, 1 month ago

b Glitchy

1 year, 4 months ago

The main body of the train glitches out when going on a curved rail & a resize would be appreciated.

1 year, 4 months ago

Yeah I know, it jiggles around really bad. That's because I couldn't find anyone who could tell me how the train entity is rendered by the devs and I... couldn't be bothered figuring out by trial and fire.. I definitely wanna revisit this mod at some point, but rn I unfortunately don't have the time.
But once I have time, I definitely wanna find someone who can explain the train entity models to me, and then fix all of the models etc and probably also do some re-balancing and maybe some additions.

1 year, 1 month ago

Yeah I know, it jiggles around really bad. That's because I couldn't find anyone who could tell me how the train entity is rendered by the devs and I... couldn't be bothered figuring out by trial and fire.. I definitely wanna revisit this mod at some point, but rn I unfortunately don't have the time.

Hello there

If you wanna know how to define the animation property of factorio entities you could have a look at one of my many vehicle mods. I even got a train mod (War Rig).
I had a look at your spritesheets and the only problem I see is that the first column of some of the sheets contains the wrong rotation. You wouldn't need to change a single line of code if you just fixed that. The file reads the spritesheet from left to right and then from top to bottom. And the rotations of a vehicle start with the north facing orentation, going around clockwise.

I dunno how you make those sheets, I myself use some self written python scripts, but just make sure that you put them into those sheets in the previous mentioned order and the glitches should disappear ^^

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