Yuoki Industries Reimagined [WIP - Alpha] deprecated

by jatmn

(Work in Progress - Alpha) !! This Mod WILL break existing saves !! DO NOT USE WITH OTHER BIG MODS, STUFF WILL BE BROKEN!! This is a major mod overhaul by JATMN This takes the core of Yuoki Industries and Reimagines it. Factories and Machines have been repurposed or removed, recipes have been changed, core mechanics of the mod have been rebuilt.

1 year, 5 months ago

g Availability?

2 years ago

jatmn -- is the source fork available anywhere? We're looking at modding yuoki ourselves, and it would be great to push in to your mod instead of doing a separate fork ourselves.

2 years ago

In particular, we were going to add some big mod compatibility for the unicomp recipes, at least, with some optional dependencies.

2 years ago

The Source isn't currently published..
But I think you might be more interested in setting my fixes mod as your dependency. https://mods.factorio.com/mod/zJatmnYiFixes
The fixes mod just fixes broken things and adds some integration to other big mods.

This Reimagined mod's goal is to significantly change the game balance and recipes, not sure how many would still consider it yuoki once I'm done with it..

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