Intermediate Bulk Containers

Adds three new barrel items to incrementally increase fluid storage and shipping via warehouse, trains, trucks, and robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Blue science with PY... maybe too hard.

4 years ago

I like very much your mod. I'd been preaching for some like this for a long time. But… I'm playing with pymods. With blue science as prerequisite… it's very hard to reach this intermediate bulk containers!!! In py, lower récipes for plastic are obtained with logistic science. Can you make something with that. I'll love you and your mod anyways :)

4 years ago

I'm still looking into how to implement mod settings, one to make it include wood for the recipe, and one to toggle blue science requirement.. I'll definitely make an update for it at some point that includes the ability to decide whether blue science or wood is needed!

4 years ago

Amazing!! Do it! It's a Little and simple mod, but… I love it… I need it!

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