Hunter and Killer Spidertrons

Turn spidertrons into automatic biter killing machines

4 months ago

b Not the nearest

11 months ago

I have no idea what's wrong here, but these killer spidertrons run to some random spawners and not to the next one. On the picture you can see the nest they all ran to last. If the save is needed for troubleshooting, just let me know.
The Picture:

11 months ago

Before 0.2.1, the oldest target is chosen by the oldest idle spider. This is a performance improvement as there are usually a lot less spiders than targets. Since the game scans west to east, then south to north, this can lead to the spiders run from north to south all the time. This is usually compensated a few seconds later by spiders switching targets.

Version 0.2.1 will make a fleet of 5 spiders or less always pick the target that is closest to the oldest idle spider.

Future version will allow you to customize the behaviour in the settings (e.g. always pick the closest, pick closest if less than N targets, pick closest if less than N spiders). That allows you to trade run time for functionality.

11 months ago

ok, nice

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