Hunter and Killer Spidertrons

Turn spidertrons into automatic biter killing machines

4 months ago

g spinning spider

1 year, 3 days ago


Thanks for your effort. I love the idea of having a dedicated and autonomous team of spider cleaning out the area.
I tried the mod first time today, and something is definitly broken : spider often stays spinning endlessly.
Manually moving it a bit is enough to reactivate it.
Also, I had to fill it with rockets to see it moving while I wanted to stay lasers only : not so convenient.
Again thank you for your dedication to what could become a great mod.

11 months ago

Probably fixed in 0.2.1 if this is the only bug :-) If the last targets in the list weren't reachable, they were tried over and over again. Together with long path finder runs (e.g. they were all far away or the path finder was busy due to other mods), this could cause this.

I added laser-only spiders to the TODO list. Planned for 0.3.0.

New response