Hunter and Killer Spidertrons

Turn spidertrons into automatic biter killing machines

4 months ago

g Thank you and some observations

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

Hi dartcubes,

first of all thank you for sharing this mod, it fills something I was missing! Very nice (and funny) description of the mod too!

Great work on 0.1.1 - I noted that the "running in a circle as I am thinking about my route" works much better, as the circle is now big enough that they actually move (esp. using MK2 Spidertrons from Spiderton extended).
Also I think your path finding algo works great, good idea to make you own, had the mod running for a while now and they seem to do fine I don't mind them exploring lake shores :-)

Also I had tons of fun just watching them doing their thing (green - now I'm at a save location - standing on top of like 10 worms - priceless - and as described) - everything works impressively well (sending a group of 5 or so MK2's so with plenty of explosive rockets, so where ever they rest BECOMES a safe location)

One thing occurred to me - if they have repair drones and repair kits, it would be great if the actually allow the drones to repair them - currently they outrun the drones and I sometimes use the remote to make them stuck on water so they can catch up and do their thing (or die so a new drone will do the job). Possibly there could be something like If not attacking and not taking further damage currently and drones active - hold a bit wait for drones to finish?

Also the one thing that is slightly annoying are messages every second or so - "1 home bases managed" - the "x killers managed" only appears on change (of the number of killers) - possibly something similar could be done for the "x home bases managed" message as well? This might be a side effect of another mod, not sure - will gladly provide save game if that might help in any way)

Again thank you and I am looking forward to see how your roadmap develops!

Edit: Typo

1 year, 29 days ago

Thanks for taking the time to express that you like the mod.

Version 0.2.0 (will be uploaded in a few minutes) will use the internal pathfinder. Along with a huge performance boost, it will generate better paths. There are a few differences when it comes to nests on peninsulas (with narrow connections), but it will perform much better, especially for bigger bases.

I'll add the idea of the repair drones and repair kits to the roadmap. Right now, idle spiders explore the edge of the pollution, but maybe I can make them start that only if they are fully repaired.

The messages about the home base appears whenever a tag is created or deleted. Maybe some other mod marks what it is doing with tags? I'll suppress them in the next release if the number didn't change.

New response