Microwave Transmission

by Camedo

Adds microwave transmission towers and rectenna receivers, for wirelessly charging batteries in equipment grids. Additional receivers can be used to increase throughput. Compatible with most anything that has an equipment grid.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Graphics/Sprite request

1 year, 11 months ago

Firstly, love the mod!

The charging works really well with vanilla and SE. I'm playing SE without K2 and tried the other induction mods first, but found this to work the best (both in terms of graphics and charging specs). Thanks for making this!

A minor request though, I think the equipment grid item icon could use something that represents a 3d item than a 2d icon. Maybe steal the K2 charge receiver equipment icon? Or maybe something like this to fit in with the microwave theme?:

To be honest, it's kinda low priority, so if you don't find time to add this in, it's fine either way.
Cheers for the amazing mod!

1 year, 10 months ago


1 year, 10 months ago

I'm totally open to changing the equipment icon to something that fits better. Art isn't my strong suite and my life is a bit of a mess at the moment, but if someone wants to contribute something i'm open to it! I'll try to swing back around on this when things settle down a bit too.

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