Bob's Electronics

Adds a whole new electronics production chain.

3 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Module loading error

4 years ago

When there is pyrawores_2.0.5,
When there is pyalienlife_1.4.9,

4 years ago

The first one... Bob's mods already takes that scenario into account, you CAN'T have the same item as an ingredient twice, attempting to do so instead either does nothing, or increases the amount on the first entry, depending which function is used.

The second one... I would need your log file to investigate what's going on there. boblibrary writes things to the log file when it encounters unexpected results.
Also, that function, "replace_ingredient_in_all" is known for crashing the game when a broken ingredient table is added to the game data. For some reason, the game doesn't crash when in theory it should, and that's why my library trips over it and crashes the game. using the latest version of the library shouldn't be causing that issue though...

4 years ago

Can you give an email address? There are too many words in the file, and it is inconvenient to take screenshots and transfer text.

4 years ago

Can you give an email address? There are too many words in the file, and it is inconvenient to take screenshots and transfer text.

I did an update last night actually, hopefully that should fix the issue.

4 years ago

not work. Can you rename advanced circuit?

4 years ago

that wouldn't help.

in fact it used to be named something else, and was fused into the base game advanced circuit back in version 0.13 or something, to solve other issues.

4 years ago

Ok. It can only be this way.

New response