Biter Factions

Turns the once peaceful biters into different factions, warring for domination over Nauvis alongside the player. They will fight amongst themselves for land.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


3 years ago

Generating new chunks with Biter Factions on causes unbareable lag and could reach freezing.
Running the latest version of the mod at the time of writing, 1.1.5 Factorio version.
Note: Not a hardware problem.

3 years ago

Heya, can you describe how/why there are so many chunks being generated? The generation of new chunks is usually only by human exploration and it can't be done at a rate which should cause any slow down. I have specifically added a chunk handler to spread out the work over time so it wouldn't be so bad. Is this only on start-up condition or when adding it to an existing very large save game?

3 years ago

Yes the chunks are generated only when triggered by the players character, walking at +50% vanilla speed with my case, it is a start up condition as the map was generated with the mod enabled, and no it's not a large save game at all.

3 years ago

What biter settings did you use? Did you give time for the initial chunk processing to finish? It will print messages to the chat while it is working and when it is done with the initial processing

3 years ago

Default settings, yes it was almost half an hour into the game, and its still a small map, so should've been more than enough.

3 years ago

Yes that doesn't seem right. I will try to reproduce it and monitor the mod tick usage

3 years ago

On a side note, I'm really enjoying your mods and ideas, please keep it up.

3 years ago

Yes well thank you for your diligence and for letting me know the issues, if I can improve it everyone will Benefit

3 years ago

I have reproduced this, the game itself (not my mod) just lags with all the Biter combat between very large nests, as you get out further away from spawn. My advice is don't explore so fast.. or I can add an option to 'infect % biters with death plague" in the mod options, so not only will it randomize their faction for each chunk but also randomly kill a % of them at the same time, to reduce the quantity of massive battles and hopefully keep your CPU and UPS okay. Does that sound okay?

3 years ago

It surely does, thank you for it.

3 years ago

I have just uploaded v0.1.7 please see the change note thread:

New response