Hello, Yes it's definitely possible to make this compatible with Space Exploration.
One quick heads up: SE has 873 items. Thankfully some of those are hidden or not really used so we can ignore them, but even discounting the unused items, that is a ton of work to decide on colors for all the remaining ones.
Are you familiar with using GitHub at all? If yes, I've uploaded the list of items here: https://github.com/jingleheimer-schmidt/auto-color-lamps/blob/faa73e1fbd04ebeb1cd7b0b3bef08fb6b5063877/SE_colors.lua
To add colors to the table, replace the "XXXXX" text with the desired color value (in hex format).
The way I did this for all the base game items was to go through the game files and upload the item images one by one to https://color.adobe.com/create/image, and then choose the color value from the options it provides that I thought fit closest to the item.
Feel free to fork or make a pull request with the color values added :)
If you're not familiar with GitHub, you can just copy/paste that big list to whatever text editor you like and add the color values there. Then you can share it with me on google drive or pastebin or whatever and I'll add it to the mod.
I think I'll have a little bit of free time coming up, so I can also help work through the list of colors, it will just take some time :)