Alien Artifact Loot

Makes alien units drop Alien Artifacts when they die

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g can u update the mod

6 years ago

i don't understand modding so I can't fix this mod to be .15 ready like u said in the other post.

6 years ago

No problem.

I've updated the info.json appropriately for 0.15.x
It should now work with the experimental branch

6 years ago

sorry, looks like I need to do a little more work

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Looks like this mod is no longer required

Change Log for 0.15.0
- Removed alien artifacts and alien science packs from the game completely.

Explains why I was getting an error about the 'Alien-Artifact' item not existing

New response