
by ElAdamo

Get to da choppa!

3 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b [Cannot recreate issue] Crash in 0.18.26

3 years ago

Hello, i have the same problem, after disable this mod the game is running correct. Sorry for grammar, english is not my native.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Damn. This is definitely a very complicated mod in terms of scripting so I'm not surprised to see issues cropping up. I'll check it out as soon as I can, guys. I have a lot of bug reports on here, and the helicopter is critical for us, so I will definitely get this fixed. I just finished popping up my gitlab server to keep track of all my mods. Part of my problem has been that I moved and never really set up my dev machine properly after the move. Now I'm more organized. Let me know what other problems you find, please. I absolutely do plan to fix them and soon.

3 years ago

I am fixing bugs for this mod, but I can't recreate this issue. Are you guys still having this issue?

3 years ago

Seems to work. The rocket launcher is still OP as hell, but then so are many things Factorio.

3 years ago

I don't disagree. I figured that I didn't exactly make the helicopter cheap. It should be able to rain down hell on enemy bases. I even want to make it immune from biters while in the air, but that's more difficult than maybe it seems like it should be. It's pretty close to immune from them at this point, though. Maybe I should make it more expensive. I thought of it as an end-game vehicle, but the real end-game vehicle is a decked-out power armor, so, I dunno.

3 years ago

It's a mid-game vehicle, and it has quite a transformative effect (no need to use trains to get about, easy biter elimination). Personally I feel the rocket-firing-speed should be around half as fast and rocket stacks a lot smaller β€” being able to carry tens of thousands of rounds is just strange. But then so is the amount of concrete/assemblers/... that you can carry in the game. Whatever.

3 years ago

It's always been hard for me to justify much about the character's inventory, seeing as the character can jam-pack a bunch of locomotives. I have done it with intermediate items in some cases -- Adamo Nuclear and Adamo Chemical stick to somewhat-rigorous conservation rules -- and I think I set the helicopter to stack size of 1, at least. I dunno, I might nerf it. We'll see. Always open to suggestions.

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