Utilization Monitor Blargh

Displays the utilization percentage of factories, miners, labs, furnaces, boilers, generators, and reactors.

8 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Storage tanks

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi, great mod.

That would be great to have also a % on the storage tanks and accus, showing their level. Even the chest could display that.

Some kind of display of the throughput of trains would be like a dream :) You know? relevant infos that come only with cursor hover... Like the level of the wagons... Stats everywhere you can :D

I dunno if you could easily do that, but a great function would be the ability to minimize windows and displaying it in column on the left of the screen. Where they woukd display minimal infos about the initial windows, like prod/cons displayed curves totals and/or bars.

Btw without your mod I wouldn't play Factorio. If you could display some global stats it could be great, too.

1 year, 11 months ago

Thanks for the feedback (and sorry for the delay, it's been a hectic month).

Regarding storage levels, an interesting idea, I've added it to the todo. I'll make it optional like the other types though so people can turn them off if they'd like.

The trains... I'd have to look at :) With the way UMB does text, I'm not sure how that'll interact with moving objects.

For the column on the left of the screen - I've thought about trying to do something like "find me factories running less than 90%" or such through that interface, but in most factories unless you're just an absolute deity at ratio perfect designs, you'll have SOME parts idle SOME of the time - so what would be the threshold? Etc. etc. That's a bigger project...

Thanks for the ideas!

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