g Intro text

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi! While reading the info page, I noticed a mistake in the text you get on starting a new game. The following fixes that, and shows some more changes that may improve the quality of the intro text:

"After wandering aimlessly for days, you found your your client's designated outpost." -->
"After wandering aimlessly for days, you found your client's designated outpost."

"You might as well adapt with what you found, … " -->
"You might as well (make do with|adapt to) what you found, …"

"After a brief assessment, you noticed the following:" -->
"After a brief assessment, you notice the following:"

"The outpost is not fully set up, The outpost has oil based production capabilities which are currently limited, The steam based generators are fuel hogs, and the poor guy left his personal tank and train here." -->
"The outpost is not fully set up, it has oil-based …, the steam based generators are fuel hogs, and the poor guy has left his personal tank and train here."

"The full tech capabilities of your employer is going to help, though." -->
"The full tech capabilities of your employer are going to help, though."

"Start small, work your way up with automation and don't forget to protect yourself from the natives." -->
"… natives!"
3 years ago

m,any many thanks, ill add it tommorow :)

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