Allows for you to set player-dependent models The shared.lua file allows addition and modification of custom players In the graphics/player folder, you can add the texture files Custom Players can have more than graphics changed, any value can be changed with the corresponding key (uses the game's default keys, unsure if modded keys also work) This mod has not had extensive multiplayer testing, don't be surprised if a few items disappear or loose their custom data This mod is not a client-only mod, due to the new entities and event handlers, and any data changed by the client HAS to be changed on the server or any other clients This mod is based off and modified from 'TJ's Custom Player MOD' by Traveler Joe, and the toolkit in the mod file was made by them
Counted when a user downloads a mod release for the first time. Before Nov 2021 it counted everytime a user clicked the mods download button.
Counted when a user downloads a mod for the first time. Has no data before Dec 2022