Space Bots

My view on bots vs belts discussion. Logistic bots now cost... space science packs to craft. Exact amount required is defined in startup Mod Options, default = 20 (50 bots per rocket). Also, to allow personal supply by robots you get a small amount of free bots for every logistic-related tech researched (default 10 per tech, can be changed in Options).

6 years ago

g Odd choice

6 years ago

Logistic bots have a core role in a belt only factory - they deliver items to the player. This mods takes that away and adds the tedium of having to get your own items to craft stuff. I say this as a person who only makes belt bases but enjoys getting logistic bots in the midgame, which this mod forbids.

Wouldn't it have been better to require space science for requester chests? Those are the ones responsible for beltless bases.

6 years ago

Hi Cyan_Leader, this actually may be a great idea, though balancing it will be much harder.

I also thought about providing a player with something like 100 bots from the beginning of the game for the purpose of delivering to the player. Will it work?

6 years ago

Hi! I added the possibility go get small amount of logistic bots before you launch your first rocket - to mitigate the problem of your personal supply.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

i think cyan_leader is kinda right, here. It's the provider,requester chests that should have their recipe edited, as they enable belt-less bases... (leave storage chest untouched) that, and another mod in my pack edits the recipe for logistic bots (pretty sure its bob's mods) and so the science pack is removed as a recipe ingredient.

edit: confirmed bob's logistics overwrites the recipe after your mod does anyway, and that's a REALLY common mode for people who play with mods.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

OR: if you don't want to switch to altering the logistic chest, you can instead, use a conditional check for if bob's logistics is installed, then use bob's library mod to ADD science packs as a recipe ingredient.

6 years ago

replacing data.lua with the code below, (and added bob's lib as dependency)

if data.raw.item["logistic-chest-requester"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.add_ingredient("logistic-chest-requester", {"space-science-pack", settings.startup["sb_cost"].value})

6 years ago

if you want, you can duplicate that recipe for the passive provider, active provider, and buffer chest (suggest leaving storage chest untouched so personal logistics can function normally whilst still locking bot-based- factories till post-rocket stage.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

and really, all the chests except the storage chest should require space science.
If you just change the requester recipe, it is still possible using the remaining chests and some clever usage of circuits, roboport segregation, and filtered inserters to make the active provider chest and storage chest function as a passive provider & requester pair
(how you ask?) by using a circuit network to enable/disable 3 or 4 filtered inserters going into a active provider, having a single storage chest (of filtered storage chests to receive those items, and use circuit network to detect how many items are in storage to stop the active provider from having more inserted. it's messy, but it works. so the only real way to stop that is to have the science packs affect all the chests except for the storage chest

6 years ago

Hi usafphoenix,

First, thanks for bug report about Bobs, I'll try to fix it tomorrow. Though I personally hate Bob's =)

Second, I think, I'll make a separate mod soon exactly with the logic you and Cyan described (I think about "all chests except Storage and Passive provider require space science").

But anyway, I just launched the rocket with my version of the mod (logistic bots require science, not chests), and it is still pretty nice. The change I made in last version (that you can get minimum amount of free bots for researching science related to personal logistics) definitely solved "personal supply" problem.

6 years ago

Hi usafphoenix,

I made a slightly different and simple change, but it should work correctly with Bob's now.

New response