Resized Buildings deprecated

by StefanT

Resizes oversized buildings to a more usable scale. Supported mods: Angel's mods with addons, Bio Industries.

7 years ago

g Someone please update for 0.16

6 years ago

Someone please update for 0.16

4 years ago

Not sure this is going to get updated since it's been so long without a response. I personally attempted to "port" this to 0.17 but first I attempted resizing certain buildings (i.e. ore sorting facility) within Angel's mods itself and it's not as easy as you would expect (normally you just need to resize the graphics, enter in the new size in the .lua files, shift the boundary/collision masks and you're done), but because of how the .lua files are setup now it's not at all as easy as it once was, it's not a simple 1:2 or 3:5 ratio anymore, it involves a lot more complexity that makes a mod that resizes multiple different sized/type of buildings it's a lot more intensive than this mod allowed (if you look at the .lua file it really is pretty simple) back in 0.14. Regardless I'm still attempting the resizing, if I can get the more simpler buildings down I may create a similar mod to this, but I can understand why this hasn't been out-right updated (as much as I would love it, even a script for resizing .png's and finding resizing the masking/shifts could be easily adapted, but need the script first, I'm just not skilled enough in .lua to figure it out myself at the moment).

tl;dr agree with this dead post, would love to see this revived

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