Resized Buildings deprecated

by StefanT

Resizes oversized buildings to a more usable scale. Supported mods: Angel's mods with addons, Bio Industries.

7 years ago

g Incompatible with Enable Furnace Types trigger (Angel's)

7 years ago


This is a really great mod, I plan to scrape and rebuild half of my factory now just to enable it. There is only 1 problem - it does not work with this angel's trigger (it replaces core angel's buildings with the "furnace-type" ones, i.e. you do not need to set recipies, just feed whatever resource and it will automatically create respective result - really helps to reduce amount of blueprints):

7 years ago

Great that you like it. I added support for the furnace type trigger in 0.1.4, and for the angels warehouses.

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