Resized Buildings deprecated

by StefanT

Resizes oversized buildings to a more usable scale. Supported mods: Angel's mods with addons, Bio Industries.

7 years ago

g Unable to load mod version 0.1.1

7 years ago

There is an error thrown with version 0.1.1, it says you attempted to index local 'picture' a string value.

7 years ago

Sorry I did not notice your problem until now. Could you please post me the last lines of the log (the stack trace of the error) ?

7 years ago

I added a type check in 0.1.2 to the part of the code that is probably in charge. I could not reproduce your problem, but this might fix it for you.

7 years ago

Hello, same error. Conflicts with Bio_Industries_1.4.8

7 years ago

Oh, my bad, I disabled bio industries in my test setup. The problem should be fixed in 0.1.3 now.

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