
by Va7ya

We shouldn't take air for granted.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Broken pipecovers

4 years ago

It is very necessary to update the entire section in pipecovers in the mod. it is necessary to fix the failure of all pipecovers in the game: for pumps, tanks and other objects associated with liquids. Now the mod breaks them (shifts in different directions), which greatly hinders a comfortable game. I decided this by updating the entire code block to the original from the base of the game. I think this problem appeared because of the old mod code, the crust breaks the visual in version 0.17.xx. Is it possible to remove this code block from the mod at all ??? I'm just not good at it.
and I would like to thank you for resurrecting the mod

4 years ago

I personally havent had any trouble with pipes so far, could you elaborate?

If you feel like sending me the broken stuff Manul #2785 on discord

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

review of the behavior of the other modes with oxygen switched on and off

4 years ago

Oh wow that is annoying af.

I don't really have any time myself atm, I can add you as a contributor if youd like though?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

As you wish, although I absolutely do not know how to code

4 years ago

Same here :) You said you had an idea of which part of the code breaks the stuff. Could you name the specific file?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

during the day (maybe two) will be an update

4 years ago

during the day (maybe two) will be an update

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