Max Rate Calculator

Calculates maximum consumption/prodution rates of assemblers, plants, etc.

3 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Adding belts

4 years ago

How can i add modded belts with higher speeds to the max rate tool?

4 years ago

Hmm - good question. The rate drop down is populated by a table - there’s no code to ‘discover’ other kinds of belts, but it’s worth thinking about. What mod are you using that provides the faster belts?

4 years ago

I am using factorio extended plus

4 years ago

!reminder - i was about to ask for the same thing

3 years ago

I would love to see this work as well. I am building a mega++ base with Factorio Extended Plus and it is very convenient to count throughput with FE+ max throughput belts (which are 75 items/sec).

Regardless, thanks for an awesome mod!

3 years ago

I just uploaded version 3.3.36 which now supports this. The mod finds belts in the game prototype table and uses the belt_speed values from there, rather than being hardcoded. Belts from theFactorio Extended Plus Tranport mod show up now in the drop down and seem to have appropriate values.

I looked into doing the same for inserters, but the inserter throughputs I'm currently using are based on data in the wiki. Their speeds are dependent on animation speeds, and I can't figure out how to reconcile those speeds.

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