Layerd Belts

Adds underground belt layering. !!!!NOW USES FACTORIO EXTENDED PLUS FOR HIGHER BELT TIERS!!!!

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

a Upcomming changes

5 years ago

Hello people!

I got some good and some bad news,
starting with the bad news, the higher belt tiers gotta go.
The good is that I'm going to tie in Factorio Extended Plus. It gives me all the infrastructure I need and btw exactly like I would have done it and hopefully make this mod a bit more appealing.

Next I made changes to the research tree again. I've moved them all into one research per belt tier again because the cludder was getting on my nerves.

Now as for general code changes and clean up I've not made much progress because I am trying to wrap my head around how to tie in another mods resources without breaking anything.

The update will drop after 0.17 and will hopefully not be entirely broken XD

5 years ago

okay, I'm letting you know that I'll soon be on vacation and will be able to spend more time on the mod! so if you expirience any bugs or incompadebilities pls keep reporting them^^ That way I can orgenize my work a bit better^^ thanks for stickin with me so long on this ride :D

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