Fusion Power

Hydrogen Fusion power generation with non-trivial setup.

7 years ago

g 0.14 release/update?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Kinda sucks that this mod is for 0.13, when 0.14 has been out for quite a while.

Seems to work just fine if you change the info.json.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

However... another issue... so non-trivial.. but it's kinda like infinite power? If I'm following the process correctly, it's just water pump into chemical plants for the deuterium and tritium, then into a fusion reactor for plasma, and then into the plasma core for power generation.

Aside from the initial cost to setup, it only seems to require water and an initial power source (for the chemical plants/fusion reactor), but at the end of the day, you don't actually consume any resources. There's no really complex processing chains at all, just a to b and c, then b and c to d, and d into power. Sounds pretty trivial to me... although if you meant non-trivial as in the amount of chemical plants that you need (as you mention), then solar panels are pretty non trivial as well.

EDIT Oh wait.. I misread the unit of power generated. So 4 plasma cores produce 1.2GW, or 1200MW power, compared to 10 steam engines' 5.1MW power.. of course, that'd be 1200MW minus 100 chemical plants.. so -21MW. Still over 1100MW of power, or over 2000 steam engines worth of power... DAYUM. 4 of these bad boys should be able to power almost any base 24/7. I can see the nontrivial part of this now.

But still 0.14 release tho? All you have to do is change a couple numbers :D

7 years ago

Yes please

7 years ago

sadly a simple version number doesn't do the trick. There has to be some work on the prototypes, else the game can't even start up with a factorio 0.14 number change in the .json :(

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