
by kovus

Fill4Me will automatically insert fuel and/or ammunition from your main inventory into entities when you place them. It is mod-agnostic and will learn about items & entities in other mods. It is an alternative to the Autofill mod.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Conflict with ChunkyChunk

1 year, 11 months ago

I will copy two posts from the thread under ChunkyChunk

"Every time I click the gui shortcut "Toggle ChunkyChunks grid lines" of this mod it prints the message: "Fill4Me: Reset Fuel/Ammo insert lists to current game defaults ("everything").
I am not sure what exactly it does but it seems like it reloads the blacklist of Fill4Me each time. I tend to toggle the grid on and off quite often and the massage gets annoying.

I tried changing the key in the control settings but the message keeps appearing. Does the shortcut use another key sequence internally? Maybe Fill4Me is using the same.

I dont know if the problem is with this mod or with Fill4Me. I just thought I will let you know and hope for the best."

and answer for that thread:

"Fill4Me is bugged. When a player setting is changed it runs its runtimeModSettingChanged function and doesn't check that the setting is a Fill4Me setting before doing it's thing, if it is a player setting. It does do the right thing if it is a runtime global setting though. Weird.

Bug is at Fill4Me_0.9.4/fill4me/fill4me.lua:93 and :94

Not related to topic: ChunkyChunks had the same bug in 1.4.4, so I fixed it in 1.4.5. It didn't cause any real issue since ChunkyChunks settings changed handler just redraws the grid, so I didn't bother fixing it for a few days. But I finally did it now. This doesn't affect the bug you experienced with Fill4Me."

New response