
This mod is a challenge. Featuring scrap recycling and a pre-electric burner era You can stream it ;D No problems :D

1 year, 7 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

g stone furnace incompatibility with other mods

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

yes, i have seen that this mod is an overhaul and no guarantees are given.
but i still want to ask whether and/or how another mod could be made compatible to work with this mod :

that other mod ("transport drones fuel", an aux mod to make special fuel for making Klonan's transport drones usable in early game right from the start, instead of needing to use petrol gas which in this mod is only available long after green science, setting up several production chains, then more sciences and oil, and also set up oil production to finally get the petrol gas) has a new machine that is made with a stone furnace as ingredient. but when i try to insert a stone furnace (from this mod, with the changed icon that indicates a burner stone furnace) into the input slot of the assembler for stone furnaces (without the additional small icon, thus probably vanilla stone inserters) to make that new machine, i get the floating error text "Only Stone furnace can be inserted here, not Stone furnace"

which stone furnace could now be used for making that other machine ?
is there a simple way to access a compatible stone furnace ?
or do you have any other hints how to easily fix the problem ?
i love Klonan's mods with drones (one mod each for mining, constructing and transporting) and would really like to use them together with any other mods that i use) including this mod for which i already have restarted my maps several times, and now wanted to try the drones instead of using miners, belts, bots and trains.

thanks for any help or hints that you can give, even when you had not guaranteed any comatibilities, or almost had guaranteed some incompatibilities with other mods :-)

3 years ago

Hey Anson_AKB,
I can´t changed my stone furnace. This stone furnace is from me (with special features) and your mod need the vanilla furnace.

Sorry, but I have no idea for your problem.

Have a nice day :)

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