Active Provider Looting Chest

The chests pickup the loot about them, default working radius = 6; Pro: - can use circuit signals as filter for looting and changing the searching position (signals X and Y or R and A as radius and angle); - good UPS optimisation, works in multiplayer and with multiple forces - pickup tower mod, auto cleanup

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Great mod! (+ some suggestions)

4 years ago

Hey there!
We really like your mod, we use it to collect loot from Aliens that is generated by a mod, and it's the first mod that works like a charm without desyncing multiplayer or anything, so kudos for that!

However, I have a few suggestions and I want to share them with you and also why:

Infinite Techs
I'd love to have some more infinite techs that can improve some aspects of the chests like:

Active Provider Looting Chest Speed: +20% speed
APLC Range: +2 Range (cost of this should increase exponentially after becoming infinite so you do not end up with 1000 range, but you can improve it from to time.)
Including these infinite techs means the chest could start off a little bit more slowly and with less range and be improved beyond the current max since we love to use our high sp/m output for more late-game infinite stuff, even if it's just QoL and small improvements

Bob's Integration
I'd love some support for the higher tiers of logistic chests from bobs logistic, maybe even with its own research so you can have a 64-slot (t2) and 80-slot active provider looting chest (t3) (maybe higher tiers also have speed, health and range bonus?)

More Techs:
What can I say, I love researching stuff to improve my base, so here are some more ideas:

APLC AoE: +1 AoE Range (so basically being able to pick up in a larger radius)
APLC Multishot: +1 Additional Item Beam (this is an alternative to the AoE since it might be easier to implement and still serve the same purpose)

Finally I would say that a lot of the things I suggested have to do with the fact that you cannot set the range beyond 25, which is fine and currently works for us, but I always feel that could be an infinite tech so having it even higher is less a "how OP do we want this?" and more a "can/should we spend sp to improve this by a small amount?" - which feels a lot less cheaty and increases the stuff you can research at the late-game (which I love, since productivity gets a bit stale to research after a while x3)

Still, a great mod that deserves more attention IMHO!

4 years ago

What is AoE? Age of Empires?

I cannot add too big search area, it needs much more CPU time and the game can be slower by slow computers;
I can add some spread of the searching middle point, the area will be same, but randomly eccentric from the chest.

Why are you need big chest, when it's actually the logistic chest? It will be always emptied and never overstacked. Not that big chests with a lot of slots make game also slower, you cannot see it by small base, but the megafactory works better if every chest has only one slot.

4 years ago

AoE = Area of Effect = Picking up multiple items that are next to one another, like holding the pickup key with the character itself

Yes I think an offset from the chest would be nice too, maybe with signals? Could be an awesome way to use the generic "X" and "Y" signals as offset!

And yes I understand that some of these are probably not worth implementing, but I just wanted to share my ideas. I will still use the mod either way :)

4 years ago

Maybe R for radius in meters and A for angle in degrees in clockwise start point and direction.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Added XY and RA compatibility:
positive X to the east,
positive Y to the south,
R - Radius in meters,
A - angle in degrees (clockwise, from north).

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

i did not tried out this mod but certainly i will..
(i need to reseach the chests in my current game :-) )

i would also support a little research for range and speed.

My idea would be that base speed would be somewhat around 600 tics between piuckup and a resonable area.
you could then research a little speed and may be infinite tech for range.
I may think restricting the pickup to give tic-intervall would be a way to keep the CPU-time under control and keeps the chests from not overwhelming (if thats could be a case) bots......

The range research should lead to increased range but not an increase of speed (like radars) so this should also keep CPU-time under control.
may be a good proposion would be 2 speed/1 range research to keep the ratio

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