Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Unofficial, italian translation of Factorissimo 2. Traduzione non ufficiale in italiano della mod Factorissimo 2
Create a checkpoint save when a character or a driven vehicle take damage. Also, have some options.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
This library (Aswil for friends) is develop with aim to provide tools that modders could use to simplify problems of compatibility and integration with other mods.
Add some option to control the changing that Space Exploration do to vanilla game, that something make conflict with other mods or player's style.
Unofficial, italian translation of mod NPUtilsX. Traduzione non ufficiale in italiano della mod NPUtilsX.
Boost Additional-Turret-updated when rampart is installet to make it useful
Small changes concerning balance, gameplay, or graphics.
Unofficial, italian translation of mod NPUtils. Traduzione non ufficiale in italiano della mod NPUtils.
Unofficial, italian translation of mod NPUtils Tech Tree. Traduzione non ufficiale in italiano della mod NPUtils Tech Tree.