Nine Inch Nails Ambient Music Tracks - 69 new tracks deprecated

Adds 69* (10 in this sample) instrumental tracks for your listening pleasure. Many thanks to Trent Reznor for releasing all his music as creative commons in multi-tracks and allowing the creation of this

4 years ago
0.14 - 0.17
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
7 years ago
Latest Version:
1.2.0 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.14 - 0.17
Downloaded by:
8 users

CHECK OUT THE NEW 2.0 VERSION "Nine Inch Nails Ambient Soundtrack (Base)' for all the tracks hosted on the factorio mod portal!

Adds 10 instrumental tracks to the Factorio music playlist for your listening pleasure in this sample.

The full mod is too large to host at the regular Factorio mod portal.
For the full mod with 69 instrumental tracks with over 5 hours of content please use the GitHub link below.
GitHub Download:
If you upgrade to the full mod please delete the sample mod provided here in your mod folder.

Long Description:
Many thanks to Trent Reznor for releasing all his music as creative commons in multi-tracks and allowing the creation of this

Should note due to the nature of how music is handled inside of Factorio there can be moments of prolonged silence or repeat songs (including vanilla songs) in close proximity. There is not much at this moment in time I can do to alter this as it's beyond my ability to do so.

This should also be compatible both forwards and backward. If you are using an older version just change the "info.json" file to match your current version of Factorio. This should be the norm unless Factorio changes how the ambient music is handled.