Water World deprecated

by Shylie

Need quarry mod. Hijacks the worldgen to spawn only water and a small island at coordinates (0, 0). Code taken from a reddit post and uploaded.

5 years ago
0.14 - 0.17

g tips

7 years ago

for those that spawn with few trees around you, hold onto that wood to make power poles, once the wood is gone, you will have to cross the ocean to find more

although you can play with biters off, you might want to reconsider that as no extra islands will spawn with out some biters to go kill, no more wood, oil, coal, iron, or copper will appear, max available resources can be obtained by creating a death world(very high,very big biters), but that is a tricky situation.

your first few quarrys will need to make coal to keep that steam going.

use your space wisely, as it is costly to make more space.

get used to spaghetti, because it's probably here to stay for quite some time.

helpful additional mod 'advanced electric' or 'reactors' - for power

you may wish to restart the map several times till you get a few starting resources that you would like to have, like crude oil. set the resource to very high and very big for best chance at getting that resource. very rich if you would like to use it for a good long while

or set everything to none to get a challenge out of using only the quarrys for resources

hope these tips help anyone interested in this mod

7 years ago

Also, there's a mod that replaces the wood in the pole recipe with iron sticks, called "Iron power poles"

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