Upgrade Builder and Planner deprecated

by Klonan

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

g Holding Shift doesn't let me select an area to upgrade

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I'm new to this mod and I tried following the instructions. I selected the Yellow Belts as "From" and Red Belts and "To" and I'm trying to hold Shift to select an certain area to upgrade the belts (as its described in the manual). Nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? Dragging a blueprint into the blue box does however work as intended and will upgrade the items inside the blueprint. I want to have my robots do the job for me on items already placed on the map. Hope someone can help me. Thanks!

Edit: I'm running latest experiment 0.15.34 on a Mac.

6 years ago

You need to use the upgrade planner item/blueprint selection tool

6 years ago

Once you load this mod, there is an inventory item (!!) , an upgrade planner, that you need to create.
When you hold that planner and select items, they are planned for removal, then a new ghost upgrade image is set.

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