Upgrade Builder and Planner deprecated

by Klonan

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

i A small thing and a question about the reach

6 years ago


that Mod is actually awesome so far.

It would be nice if u could right click to config the planner like the blueprint and deconstruction planner (red tool) instead of the button on the top left.

And a question is the reach to do the upgrade with your hands unlimited? It feels like so. It would be nice if u can turn this optional on/off at the settings for Mods. (like the normal building reach)

Greetings Skiper

6 years ago

It seems that reach was made unlimited in 1.2.14 if I interpret the changelog correctly.

To me this also feels like I am cheating. After all, that's what robots are there for. It would be great to have this feature optional via config!


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