Upgrade Builder and Planner deprecated

by Klonan

Automatically upgrade buildings by hand or with construction robots.

6 years ago
0.13 - 0.16

b Crash when upgrading beacons

7 years ago

Mod version:
Crash while upgrading beacon entities by hand.

78.886 Error MainLoop.cpp:788: Exception at tick 33794292: Error while running event on_player_selected_area (ID 49)
Error while running event on_built_entity (ID 6)
Compression Chests/control.lua:383: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
upgrade-planner/control.lua:734: in function 'player_upgrade'
upgrade-planner/control.lua:627: in function 'on_selected_area'
upgrade-planner/control.lua:598: in function <upgrade-planner/control.lua:597>
Crash does seem to be related to this mod, as when I disabled "Compression Chest", the error happened in another mod, with same message cause.

Replication steps:
Try to upgrade from "beacon" (base) to "beacon-3" (bobmodules) by hand, not with robots
Expected result: Either give a meaningful error message that the entity can't be upgraded or successfully perform the upgrade.
Further Information:
The error does not happen when upgrading by robots, the entity is replaced correctly and the modules from beacon stay the same as before the upgrade.

7 years ago

Should be fixed now

New response