Improved Research Queue with interface

by ixu

A better GUI for managing the research queue. **This is a fork of the mod 'Improved Research Queue'. Use the fork 'Improved Research Queue with interface' only when another mod suggests it! Otherwise use the original!**

1 year, 10 months ago

g IRQ Mod not working?

1 year, 8 months ago

Why is this mod disabled referencing ?
There is nothing, not even in the original mod written down, that it is only for vanilla gameplay only so it has to work with (high) modded gameplay, otherwise add a notice that this mod is only for a gamplay with vanilla tech tree which isn't altered (only expanded I assume) and/or maybe add a full mod exclusion list to the dependencies, thanks.

Otherwise please add full mod support, thanks.

1 year, 8 months ago

Read the description of this mod. You probably don't want to use it at all.
But the original mod will also switch off the vanilla search queue. This is because it provides this feature itself. So don't panic. You can do everything without the vanilla search queue - even much cooler.

1 year, 8 months ago

If you still think something is wrong, please contact the mod creator of 'Improved Research Queue'. There is nothing I can do.

New response