Belt Brush

by Taste

A simple convenience mod for factorio to build multiple belts, walls or other supported tileable entities at once. Supported entities: - Belts - Walls - Turrets

3 years ago

g Suggestion: Keep Belt Orientation

3 years ago

First off, thanks so much for making this mod! I've started using it instead of copy-pasting strips of belts constantly. Super convenient and helpful!

I do have a suggestion, though. Whenever you use the + button to active the belt brush, it seems to reset the orientation of the belt. So, if you've chosen a specific direction, and then activate the belt brush, it switches the orientation to the belt brush default, and you have to set it again. Is there an easy way that you could code it to detect the current orientation and keep it when first activating the belt brush?


3 years ago

Thinking about it, I'd also suggest another hotkey to increase (or decrease) the depth of the belt brush, in addition to the width. Maybe SHIFT and +/- ?

3 years ago

Thank you for your kind words :)
1. I looked into your suggestion of keeping the orientation as I already noticed this inconvenience. Sadly it is not straightforward to implement it since the orientation is not part of the game state. Therefor I cannot easily query for it via the mod api. Maybe there is some workaround I could try...
2. I will look into it. I think implementing this shouldn't be too difficult :)

3 years ago

Thinking about it, I'd also suggest another hotkey to increase (or decrease) the depth of the belt brush, in addition to the width. Maybe SHIFT and +/- ?

With the new version 1.3 you should now be able to add multiple rows on top of each other.
I also enabled this mod for Gun-,Laser-, and Flamethrower turrets. Along with the walls, which were possible before, it should be pretty fast to builld some beefy defenses against those pesky biters :D

3 years ago

Very cool. Appreciate the continued work!

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