Show Tile Grid Lite

by kizrak

Simple less intrusive version of built-in debug settings `show-tile-grid` feature. Useful for radar, pollution, artillery fire, UPS, map generation, chunk-aligned trains, biter expansion, etc. ⚠ This mod currently has some performance/UPS issues. It will probably require a rewrite to fix them. Sorry. πŸ’€

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1


3 years ago

Just giving everyone else a heads up. This mod crushes your UPS, it will ruin the game for you.

1 year, 8 months ago

Yup, just took me an hour to binary search through my mods to figure this out. It shows as tons of script prerendering for me. FSP/UPS went down to 40 in a midgame base. Without this mod I'm back to stable 60

1 year, 5 months ago
(updated 1 year, 5 months ago)

I'm mostly in maintenance mode currently but I have recorded this in the list of bugs and TODOs for the project. I also accept pull requests if you are interested in submitting one.

This will probably require a total rewrite. Sorry. πŸ’€

Thank you for the bug report. 🍰

New response